In Noticias

Fish and seafood products are a hallmark of the Spanish Mediterranean diet. Thanks to our dietary habits Spain is one of the countries with the greater life expectancy. Despite of fish and seafood products consumption  is decreasing for the fourth year in a row, we take the sixth possition in the ranking of the countries with the highest rates of fish consumption, after Japan.

Outside our borders Spain is recognized by our long culinary tradition, but unfortunately in our country pathologies related to an unhealthy diet, such as obesity and in special childhood obesity are increasing. Experts point the low consumption of fishery products as a problem, specially in families with children, and this situation might be an influential point in the rise of this kind of pathologies.

FEDEPESCA is very concearned about that, for that reason the National Association of Fish Retailers Works in projects like FishFan contest with the aim of boosting fish and seafood consumption.

colas de peces

Specialized fish shops offer many advantages. In their shops we can find a huge variety of species, and also we will recieve a friendly a personal service. In addition, fishmongers are able to prepare the product in many different ways depending on the recipe we are going to cook.

With this contest we want to encourage Fish Fans worldwide to share with us their fish Experience or the knowledge about fishery products. Another goal is to bring to light the advantages we can benefit from, if we decideto buy these products in a specialized Fish Shop.

Don’t miss this opportunity and take part in FishFan contest. You can win amazing prizes, such as a trip for two, a dinner, or a home- delivered seafood platter amongst others.

Being a fan of fish has a reward! Take part in

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